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- 2017/06/20
- News[翻訳中]シスメックス株式会社によるOxford Gene Technology IP Limited社買収に関して
シスメックス株式会社によるOxford Gene Technology IP Limited社買収に関して
弊社の親会社でありますシスメックス株式会社は、Cytocell FISHプローブ事業を保有するOxford Gene Technology IP Limited社(本社:英国 オックスフォードシャー州)の全株式を取得いたしました。
この買収による弊社のCytocell FISHプローブの取り扱いへの影響はございません。本件に関するお問合せ先
株式会社理研ジェネシス 営業・企画部
- 2024/06/19
- EventJune 26, 2024 Webinar co-hosted by Riken genesis x Olink proteomics<Zoom Webinar>
Theme Next Generation Proteome Analysis Technology Olink for Innovative Advances
Date & Time Wed, June 26, 2024 16:00 ~ 17:00 JST Zoom Webinar SPEAKER 1 「Highly sensitive proteome quantification technology using NGS platform」
Senior Field Application Scientist, Olink Proteomics, JAPANSPEAKER 2 「Empowering oncology research with next-generation proteomics」
Scientific Liaison, Olink Proteomics, APACSPEAKER 3 「Introduction of our Olink service」
Eriko Matsuura
Riken genesis Co., LTDRegistration URL Register here!
- 2017/09/30
- Event第76回日本癌学会学術総会 ランチョンセミナー
テーマ : 国内薬事承認を目指した「がんクリニカルシークエンス」の取り組み 日時 : 2017年9月30日(土) 11:45~12:35 場所 : パシフィコ横浜 3階 303
Introducing our Business
Riken Genesis Co., Ltd. has accumulated experience in cutting-edge genetic analysis.
In 2017, we started a clinical sequence with the aim of clinical applicaton.We are engaged in four businesses:
pharmaceutical development support, gene contract analysis, and reagents and diagnostic reagents.

Clinical Sequencing
We collaborate with medical institutions to perform a variety of analyses, both in terms of laboratry operaton within the medical institution and contract analysis in our laboratory.

Drug Development Support
From the measurement of genetic biomarkers to the development of in vitro diagnostic reagents, including companion diagnostic reagents, application for regulatory manufacture, and marketing, we will deal with these tasks as a one-stop service.

Contract Genetic Analysis Service
We provide highly experienced SNP genotyping and state-of-the-art next-generation sequencing services.

Research Use Only Reagents & In Vitro Diagnostics
We are developing a variety of products that contribute to the realization of genomes-based medicine in Japan.

Using artificial nucleic acid BNA, we manufacture various BNA units (Amidite), licensing, develop nucleic acid medicine, and develop genetic testing technology.